Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Gee, just looked at my last post. Didn't realize it has been almost a week since I posted. The time has went by fast. So let's see, we didn't get to clean the truck.. came a gully washer Monday morning, so we held up in the truck, but did get out to get a shower. The truck had to wait. We didn't have to deliver till 6:00pm and the delivery was just an exit away. Got unloaded and went right back to the same exit, different truckstop. We got a dispatch to go on to Clinton, OK and do a drop and hook for the next morning. Back to Laredo, TX.. seems like home. Was an easy pickup and go, and off we went, stopped at a Cherokee Trading Post on our way down, took some pictures, had a great lunch, and shopped a little. Ricky bought me some cute earrings, and a pair of moccasins. He loves me :) We drove on to Denton, TX for our stop. Then on into Laredo. Got to the CFI yard and our delivery wasn't till the next morning. Ricky went on the board when we first got there, we were number 38. So Showers and laundry and off to bed. Got up Friday morning and off to a ghetto WalMart Distribution Center. The lot was full of holes and was in the middle of nowhere. Did a drop and hook, kinda... backed the trailer to the dock and left it to be unloaded, and we picked up an empty trailer in the yard, and while we were doing all this we got a call to come to dispatch for a load. We were 24 on the board when we left the yard, we thought we'd probably be waiting all day for a dispatch. We got a load to go to Illinois... just above Chicago... but doesn't deliver till Monday. We got our stuff together and hooked up and took off. We got to Joplin to fuel and got the truck and trailer tagged for a download of the computer, and repairs to the trailer we picked up... we had not planned to stay in Joplin for the night... thought we were gonna make it on to Springfield and sleep in our own bed.... best laid plans... So, we decided to do a reset there, visit with some friends, and I came home today by myself. Our son went out of town on business, and I thought I'd help with the grand kids since I was so close. Ricky is going on to Illinois by himself early in the morning. Our anniversary is next Saturday... so when he drops this load he is gonna hi-light for home... hoping to make it for the weekend and our 34th anniversary. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
We did get the truck cleaned out with this free time.. :) in Joplin. Poor Paco though... Ricky went to take him out for his morning potty... and when he jumped on the step up Ricky shut the truck door on the tip of his tail.... he let out a holler... I told Ricky I guess it would probably be like shutting it on one of our fingers. He's got it straight so I'm assuming its not broke. It bled just a little. Ricky hugged him up and told him he was sorry. Hopefully he won't hold it against him...
Gonna go for now... Ricky is suppose to call me later, catch you up soon.

Dreamin our Dream...Belinda and Ricky


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