Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here we are...sitting in a drop yard in Nogales, AZ. Made it safe and sound. Left Sunday afternoon and ran on over to Paris, IL and found our pickup spot, and got staged to get our load Monday morning. Picked up some farm equipment for Mexico. Didn't get out of there till 3:30pm, so was night driving on up to Joplin for the night. Got there and dropped the trailer to have some work done while we got a nap. Had a quick breakfast Tuesday morning at the yard and took off for AZ. Did some straight driving, not many stops, to make some miles. Drove to Santa Rosa, NM and stopped at a TA for the night. Wasn't a very good TA, but there was plenty of parking, to our surprise for that time of the night. Good thing for us... : ) Grabbed some supper and a shower and headed off to bed, was a long day, but wanted to do all our driving in New Mexico in the daylight. We had only been in a small piece in the north and Ricky had been in a small piece across the bottom without me. This time we were going down the middle. Ricky had fought the wind all afternoon on Tuesday, so we were hoping for less of it on Wednesday. Had just a little, so was better. We had a good view of New Mexico since it is so open.. : )
There were mountains all scattered, just sticking up out of the desert. Temps were cool but not too bad. Drove all the way to Tucson for the night, just 60 miles from Nogales. Stayed at the TTT truck stop, happened to find a spot... and it was close to being no spots open, it was packed. The temps were in the high 50s and low 60s, so we didn't have to run the truck. The lot was paved and that was good since it started raining a little this morning. Got up at 7:00 this morning, which was 6:00 here... Mountain Time. Had a nice drive on down to Nogales and our delivery was a broker at the border... was looking right over into Mexico where we dropped the trailer. The warehouse Foreman spoke very little English.. knew I should have finished that Spanish class in high school. : )
So we've been sittin since 10:00am at this drop yard.. was number 5 on the board when we first got here.. were #3 when Ricky checked a few minutes ago.... and it's now1:00pm... hopefully we'll get another good long run towards Florida or North Carolina, since we are so close to I-10. Catch you up when I know somethin...
O.K.... so I'm making an addition... we are on our way to Mechanicsburg, PA... picked up a load from here in the yard that was here all this time... dahhhhhh.. we could have been long gone.. geezzzz these planners.. : ( but it is great miles.. : ) have to be there Tuesday morning. Hope the weather holds out on the good side.

Livin the Dream..Belinda and Ricky


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kids, it's good to hear from you again. I did read your previous post a couple days ago. I had been concerned since it had been a while. Hope you all can make it back this way soon. It's been a while since I had a good yellow rock. BTW, Art and Dee are celebrating 10 years of marriage tomorrow night with a free dance at the Villa. Sure wish you were here. Best wishes to both, Clint

6:40 PM  

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