Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Made it to Joplin... like to have never got out... We knew we had to get the oil changed, but there were a bajilion other trucks there getting stuff done.. hardly anyone on the board for new loads.. there were 5 other trucks in front of us to have work done. So they got us a hotel room.. : ) off we went with the dogs, got good showers, and slept on a real mattress, headed out at 6:00am to pick up the truck and start towards PA... got to the yard and they haven't even touched our truck. : ( would have laid in bed a little longer... anyway, so I got the laundry out and got it done, Ricky worked on some new papers for getting on the better insurance plan... his anniversary of 1 year at CFI was Nov. 29th. Time goes by faster the older you get.. sure doesn't seem like he went to school a year ago, or that he's been driving that long. Anyhow.. it was 1:30 when we finally got out of there. So we had to drive till late in the night again. Got to Indianapolis to shut down.. were lucky to find a spot.. : ) but that winter cold got here first.. was 60 when we left Joplin was 30 here.. and 26 when we got up this morning. Trying to hurry and get the dogs in the truck after a potty break, I had the door open and stood up and whacked my head.. have a bad head ache this morning.. think it might be a concussion...hit just below where the doctors left that hole in my head.. maybe I need to wear a helmet instead of a CFI cap..haaa well we are gonna drive on in to our customer or at least to the closest service plaza, if there's a spot, cause it will be night time when we get there. Gonna take some Tylenol... catch ya'll up late..

Livin the Dream... Belinda and Ricky


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