Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Crowder College Day 3

Today was sort of a boring day. It started at 7:30 am sharp with class room time spent on HOS (hours of service) The HOS are sometimes confusing and the is responsible for the majority of fines issued by federal DOT officers. Today was spent on how to complete a summary of hours so that you know how many hours are available to you as you start your new day. We also spent a bit of time discussing how to adjust your load to keep it legal on each axel.
We then moved out to the trucks for more hands on experience at up shifting and down shifting. Three of us in the truck taking turns had each of us driving for approximately 2 hours each. I am getting very intimate with each and every pothole that is on our little range course. Again, we shifted enough to take us on a cross country long haul and never left our little square mile. I am becoming very proficient though at making my turns tighter and shifting without grinding the gears. OH! yeah, would you like some dip to go with all those "chips" you are making by grinding my gears?.... LOL this is a favorite saying of our instructors.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pinch me so I can get back to "MY" dream.


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