Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


The game plan changed a little. We got out of the shop bay at 9:00 pm. We were in there for 7 hours. Ricky had the guy at the idleaire place in the TA truck stop save us a spot for the night. If he hadn't done that, we would have been in a bind. All the spots were full in the parking lot and when we did leave, the exit ramps were full all along the highway headed north. So we parked the truck, hooked up the idleaire for the air conditioner to get the truck cool while we went in and got supper, came back and went to bed. Ricky decided we would leave at 3:00am instead of midnight since it was now 10:30.
We got up at 3:00, did the pretrip, got out of the parking lot, which was not easy, since people park where they are not suppose to when it gets late in a truckstop. Makes for some tight maneuvering..aahhhhh. Then we took off for Wilkes Barre, PA. The sunrise was gorgeous!!! It peaked up over the mountains with an awesome glow. Made it worth getting up so early. We got to our delivery with no problem, and it was shoes, packed from the front to the back, all the way to the top of a 53 ft trailer. 21,000 lbs worth. That's alot of shoes. There were 3 other CFI drivers, that had delivered to the same place ahead of us , sitting in an empty lot across from the warehouse. That is a sign of a long wait for a dispatch. So therefore if it was gonna be awhile, we decided to go to the Pilot up the road a bit, and get showers and stake out a claim for the night before it filled up. That was at noon and it is now 7:00pm and we are still here and our hours are up, and tomorrow is Sunday. So we may get a 34 hour reset sitting here. If the planners were more informative,we could have found a hotel to stay in, instead of this parking lot.
So I'm gonna try to find some t.v. or crochet a little.....Ricky is playing on his computer...oh yea, forgot to tell you, I got Ricky a teach yourself to play the harmonica kit for Father's Day. My kids asked me if I had lost my mind.. :) It has a cd with instructions and he can play it with one hand going down the highway. He's doing pretty good. I'm kinda proud of him.. :) We have had a lot of laughs... He's finding more stuff to learn about it on the computer now..He's playing Oh Shenandoah now.. :) good enough I recognized it!!

Dreamin our dream together.....Belinda


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can see it all now. Ricky gets good enough on the harmonicia to play under the shade trees at the Rest Areas on the Interstate. He will draw a crowd and his fans will soon demand he audition in Nashville, or maybe Branson. Let us know, I want a seat on the front row for his first performance. You did good girl, glad you settled on the harmonicia instead of a bass fiddle or a bass horn. We've got a new grand baby, Victoria Rose, born Thursday. Weighed 5 lb. 28 oz. We're all glad it was a girl. If it was a boy, the oldest grand daughter wanted to name it Bubbles. That would have been worse than "A Boy Named Sue." Yaw'll Have Fun, Clint

10:42 AM  

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