Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So this part of Utah was the best. Reminded me of dinosaur movies, remember the one with Rachel Welch.. Million Years, BC ? Ha,Ha. Saw all those big rock towers. Stopped at the hole in the wall place where this couple built a house in the side of a mountain. They wouldn't let me take pictures, so we decided not to take the tour. : ( Went on to Arizona, came close to the four corners, Came within 32 miles of the Grand Canyon. No truck route, will have to be another time for that. Spent the night in Flagstaff, got up real early, 4:00am to go on into Phoenix to stag for our delivery, couldn't get in for that till 7:00pm MST, 9:00 our time. Got there early, but the night crew wouldn't be there till 8:00 instead of 7:00. So, waiting in the truck in the parking lot.. the thermostat on the truck for outside says.. 123 degrees. I had to carry Paco across the parking lot to a median in the lot to potty so he wouldn't burn his feet. Why would you want to live here with this heat? The scenery is great, but my lord this heat is unreal. They have had 24 days of over 100 degree days. Kinda gives you an idea how awful hell will be, hmmmm. Just had to do a drop and hook there at Lowes, after they finished unloading the other trailer. Left for a parking spot search. Had a blow out on the trailer, got in a shop to get it fixed, and parked there for the night, had to have the bar for the mudflap welded this morning and are waiting now for that to get finished, so we can pick up a new load to go to West Sacramento, CA All this repair time is eating our break time up for the day. Gotta be in CA tomorrow. Will have to go through Los Angeles.. that's a scary thought. Hopefully the rest of the day will be getting better. Ohhhh yea, we finally got to see big cactus. This is what I had expected south Texas to look like around Laredo and Brownsville, but apparently its all further west.
Gonna go for now, gotta change my memory stick in my camera and change batteries to get ready for the sights today. : )

Dreamin our Dream... Belinda and Ricky


Blogger J.T. said...

Giant saguaro are part of the Sonoran desert. As you go west you enter the Mohave desert where they don't grow. Also saguaro will die if the temp stays below 32 deg for over a 24 hour period of time. Keep them to certain areas.

8:53 PM  

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