Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Well, we got a dispatch about 3:30, to run up 200 miles to Reidsville, NC for Saturday morning. Had just enough hours that we decided to go on up there hoping for a parking spot. Got to the customer and they had alittle room in the back by the docks, and we got permission to stay. Heated up some Ravioli, Ricky got on the computer, and the guys said if they got our order ready they would wake us. Well, they didn't, so much for leaving early. Our appointment is at 10:00 am et and other trucks are pouring in this morning. So we'll be lucky if we get to the dock for our appt. We have to be in Marcy, NY tomorrow, east of Syracuse. The weather site on the internet is letting us believe the snow and ice will be moving out while we are driving up, but more is moving in Sunday night. Man, we may get stuck up there for a couple of days. The dogs and me like to look at the snow, not get out in it. Well, I'm looking at the bright side, just another week and a half or so and we will go home for Christmas. I haven't been home in 2 1/2months, Ricky in 3. Time to see my grandbabies. I am looking forward to putting my tree up this year and dragging out my other decorations. Ricky might not be so happy to do the dragging out : ) He has to do all the moving around of the boxes for me : ) I think I will even get him to drag old Santa out of the shed, along with my candles and put them up in the yard. : )
Guess I'll go for now, it's time for us to load, yea..right..and hopefully the Werner truck is through, and we can get to the dock. That means Ricky needs me to batten down the hatches.. Catch ya later....

Living the Dream....Belinda and Ricky


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