Living the Dream

Welcome to our window. Through this window you may get a glimpse of our new career. Long Haul Trucking. Belinda and I have been married 33 years and as of the start of this new life have 4 beautiful children that have left the nest. We begin this journey at midlife as we enter half a century of living and raising children. Please feel free to come back and watch us live our new dream.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Sorry....I didn't pick this computer up while I was home. We finally got a dispatch to go to the CFI yard in Kansas City to pick up a relay to run on down to Joplin, so we got home on Holly's birthday, the 19th, I had left her present at Thanksgiving with Kelly, so she didn't feel left out... : ) Sure was good to see my house and my waterbed... : ) Was really busy the first few days putting up our tree and doing all our shopping for a big dinner and presents from Santa. Holly came on home on Sunday nite, was so glad she got there safe and sound... our Daniel called and said he wouldn't be coming : ( was so hoping for them all to be there this year... The grandkids sure grew while I was gone... my Miss Emily is a hoot, she was just a singing her version of all the Christmas songs : ) Cody got all his favorites from Santa so he was a happy camper. Watched him play his Mario games on the Wii, he is so smart, goes through those levels like a genius. Kelly and Brian went to Kansas City to see his family first and came on to our house on Christmas Day. Ricky and I cooked all day and had a big dinner ready for everybody, they got their bellies full and then had fun with their Christmas games.. that's the best... watching the kids have fun together... Ricky and I use to lie in bed on Christmas morning just listening to hear which of the kids got up first and scoped out what Santa brought and then go wake up the other 3...that was our best present.
Went to O'Reilly's and saw all my friends... went out on Saturday nite with Charlie and Anita to Buffalo Wild Wings and we had a ball playing Trivia and catching up. I miss my time at O'Reilly's with Charlie.
Had us a good long time off, was 17 days. Not bad for being gone for 3 months. Ricky and I didn't leave the house at all for a couple of days.. I didn't even get out of my pj's one day, : )
We blew out the water lines and shut up the house Friday, and loaded the van up for our trip out this time, came on to Joplin to pack the truck back up and went to the Safety Meeting this morning, we are now employed officially by Conway, says so on our paychecks. Ricky won a cool bag, thermos, watch and coat from Kenworth this morning in the drawings at the meeting. That was worth getting up for after just four hours of sleep... you see they didn't fix our windows like they were suppose too while we left the truck here, so we had to put it in the shop again and it was 1:30 this morning before we got it back and still had to put all our stuff up and make the bed : ( took us a nap after lunch though and then got a load to Cheyenne, WY to be there Tuesday morning. So we pick up Sunday afternoon and will be on our way.
I guess I've rambled long enough, got you all caught up I think... wish us a safe trip, and I'll try to post often.

Living our Dream....Belinda and Ricky


Blogger Busplunge said...

Nice blogging. I used to drive otr in the summers when school was out.
Still miss it. Or rather, I miss the idea of doing it.
I don't miss sitting in truckstops waiting for a load, I don't miss sitting in produce lots waiting to be loaded.
I don't miss dispatchers calling me and telling me to hurry up and when I told them I was out of hours they would tell me to "do the best I can".
Your blog would be a lot easier for these old eyes to read if you would do a paragraph break every three or four sentences.
After a while all the lines run together.

9:59 PM  

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